International LONESTAR

Last Updated: 02/21/2022 01:26 PM
Manufacturer: International

Make & Model

Detailed Specifications

52,350 - 60,600 lbs.
6x4 SBA
Day Cab 56" Low Roof Sleeper 56" Hi-Rise Sleeper 73" Hi-Rise Sleeper 73" Sky-Rise Sleeper
132" BBC/ 41" BA
167 - 280"
Cummins X15: UP TO: 605 MAX HP | 2,050 LB-FT. TORQUE
Single canister after-treatment device Frame Mounted Right Side, Under Cab or Under Sleeper Dual B-pillar vertical tailpipe
Heat Treated Alloy Steel 120,000 PSI
Dana Spicer: 12,350 - 14,600 lbs. Hendrickson: 12,350 - 14,600 lbs. Meritor: 12,350 - 14,600 lbs.
Mono-leaf Spring: 12,350 - 13,200 lbs. Taper leaf Spring: 12,350 - 14,600 lbs.
Tandem: Meritor: 40,000 - 46,000 lbs., Dana Spicer: 40,000 - 46,000 lbs.
Air Tandem: International: 40,000 lbs., Hendrickson: 40,000 - 46,000 lbs.
Automated Manual: Eaton Fuller Advantage: 10 speed, Eaton Fuller UltraShift PLUS: 13, 18 speed, Eaton Fuller UltraShift PLUS LSE: 16 speed, Eaton UltraShift PLUS: 10, 13, 16, 18 speed, Manual: Eaton Fuller Advantage: 10 speed, Eaton Fuller: 10 speed, Fuller: 9, 10, 13, 15, 18 speed
Air Drum Brakes with ABS with Optional Automatic Traction Control and Electronic Stability Control, Air Disc Brakes with Automatic Tractic Control and Electronic Stability Control
70 - 140 Gallon Dual, Non-Polished or Polished Aluminum, Mounted Back of Cab
Sheppard TRW


Lonestar Day Cab
LoneStar® is good for your business and bad to the bone. Its head-turning exterior proudly recognizes classic International® design heritage, yet LoneStar is engineered to meet today’s regional-haul demands for optimal uptime, productivity and performance. The spacious DriverFirst™-inspired cab features intuitive controls, high-visibility gauges, and dozens of other smart, driver-tested ideas to keep drivers comfortable and in control. And that bold chrome grille and sleek hood offer more than good looks – the aerodynamic shape delivers greater fuel efficiency than conventional long-nose trucks.

Local Or Regional Applications
Van, Bulk, Flatbed, Or Specialty Haul
Fleet Or Owner Operator
Pick Up And Delivery

Lonestar Sleeper
Who needs a corner office when you can have a view like this? LoneStar® boasts a head-turning exterior that proudly recognizes classic International® design heritage, coupled with advanced design to meet today’s demands for optimal uptime, productivity, and long-haul performance. It includes Bendix® Wingman® Fusion™ Collision Mitigation and standard roll stability to help you confidently manage the road ahead. Inside the spacious DriverFirst™-inspired cab are intuitive controls, high-visibility gauges and dozens of other smart, driver-tested ideas to keep you comfortable and in control. And that bold front nose offers more than good looks – the aerodynamic design delivers greater fuel efficiency than conventional long-nose trucks. Everywhere you look, LoneStar is engineered to make you proud of your profession.

Local Or Regional Applications
Van, Bulk, Flatbed, Or Specialty Haul
Fleet Or Owner Operator